Miracles Lesson 266

MiraclesLesson 266:” What is a body?” “My holy Self abides in you, God’s Son.”

 “What is the body,” says, “ The body is a dream.”

The Course says that the body is not natural and is an illusion, so we need to remember that the body is not something that can injure us or make us mad or upset.

Because the body is unreal, it has no power to impact us negatively, so we need to remember not to let our bodies ruin our days. We need to pay attention to our minds and ensure that our bodies are always neutral in our perception.

We need to accomplish this all the time, so we have no upset about our bodies.

Remembering that the body is unreal and neutral to us takes time and effort, so we need to change our perceptions of our bodies.

So be sure that we give all the action of changing our perceptions of our bodies. And make sure we are willing to make an effort to do this adequately immediately.

The Course further explains that our bodies can cause us to be happy or unhappy according to how we see them. We can make our bodies be a thing that can be positive or negative.

Remember that the body is a dream. It can be whatever we want it to be.

So jump right on this and make sure we take the time and effort to make our bodies pleasurable. We need to take responsibility for doing this immediately.

When we do it adequately, we will arrive at a place where we enjoy our bodies, and this is the ideal state, so we want to be willing to do this.

All Love,

 Laurie Prezbindowski

 Licensed Acupuncture



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