Saturday, December 13, 2014

Lesson 347: “Anger must come from judgement. Judgement is a weapon I would use against myself, to keep the miracle away from me.”

When we get angry we can necessarily deduce judgement was the initial instigator of the feeling of anger.  It helps us to realize judgement is what makes us miserable.  Judgment is when we perceive something is wrong.  When we are not able to forgive the moment and what we see, then judgement results.  Judgement is the view that the situation should be other than it is.  This results in our resistance to the moment when we are seeing what is happening.

With this resistance, we automatically turn to anger.  Our anger is a sure sign we are upset and judging the event.  Often we just find ourselves in anger when we experience the world.  It seems to happen without forewarning.  It occurs like a regular experience of problems we see.  It even occurs when we may not think there is a problem in a big way but we may even have minor upsets.  But with any upset big or small, this is always because we make judgement our approach to living.

The Course tells us that we must watch vigilantly to not allow our judgements to be prevalent, or even at all.  It may seem like a much higher goal than we can manage to accomplish, but we are asked to just have the smallest amount of willingness to see this as something different. We must come to the understanding that judgement is always at the root of our anger and  take special care to forgive this and watch for it.  We are given the tools to heal our judgements so let’s know how deeply judgements don’t serve us.  They keep us from being in the flow of God’s perfect love.

And we are reminded here that our judgements hurt us alone.  We may see everything as externally in the world.  Yes, judgement has impact in the world as well, but we are asked to take special note that judgement and anger are the tormentors to us as individuals.  The ego relishes pain and especially that which is self induced.  We are asked to learn to love ourselves more than when we participate in judgement.  Let our hearts be free from this weapon against our true self.


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