12-19-14 Lesson 353 Laurie’s Reflections

Friday, December 19, 2014

Lesson 353: “My eyes, my tongue, my hands, my feet today have but one purpose; to be given to Christ to use to bless the world with miracles.”

Sometimes we use our body for unGodly experiences.  We very commonly forget to dedicate every last aspect of our bodies to God.  We keep certain parts of us from the purpose of God, because they won’t be fit to meet the task of being holy.  Or, we secretly try to maintain them as special and separate from God.  Or, we think God isn’t interested in something worldly; or maybe we just forget.  We may have all sorts of reasons to keep parts of us from God.

The Course teaches us not to make certain parts of us away from the joining of God, to try to steer clear from God’s purpose.  The ego has so many ways to keep our bodies from being unused in the purpose of seeing and not applied to God’s purpose.  We can have compassion for ourselves for the predicaments we find ourselves in which are ego driven.  And, we may forgive the insanity of trying to keep ourselves from giving ourselves completely to God.  But what we must do is make the clear intent to give our hearts and bodies willingly to God.

We may argue for the ego and say, “What in the world could God who is perfect and holy have use for our bodies which are definitely not of the same ilk as our Maker?  This is perfectly sound reasoning.  However, God wants us to give our whole bodies over to the perfect plan of God.  We are asked to use our whole body for the holiest of paths.  When we use our bodies for holy purposes, extending miracles and living through love, then all we have to do is realize they are holy because God can make them holy as instruments of His purpose.

We need to keep shifting our perception into one of seeing everything as the opportunity to extend the miracle.  This is the willingness to see everything as love or a call for love, and then allowing God’s energy to fill up any sense of lack and problem.  Extending the miracle brings us ultimately to the greatest peace and joy because we are living within principles of God’s style of loving.  We will experience God’s love because when we make the miracle reality we find ourselves in an aligned mind and heart with God’s identity.

This lesson says, “A while I work with Him to serve His purpose.  Then I lose myself in my Identity, and recognize that Christ is but my Self.”  This makes me feel so fortunate and content.  God is giving us this amazing game plan about how to live our lives.  We are asked to give our lives to His Purpose, and then this results in our losing ourselves in our identity as God’s children.  This means there is no way we can fail to reach God’s salvation.

When we allow our lives to be reflections of God’s Plan, then while we live in such love and joy this energy will succeed in giving us a deeply engrained sensation of being God’s true heirs.  We will become so well versed in this reality, it will be because we allowed ourselves to get totally immersed in God energy.  That leads us to the feeling of being perfectly lovable and certain of our salvation.


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