Lesson 354: “What am I?”  “We stand together, Christ and I, in peace and certainty of purpose.  And in Him is His Creator, as He is in me.”

I love the words- ‘we stand in certainty of purpose.’ 

This idea is powerful.

Our certainty is always of God, and, in the Course’s terms of certainty, it is always the feeling and the inner knowing that we are perfect since we are sinless. 

We are innocent and that we are totally lovable by God and everyone, including loving ourselves.  Our certainty- when we feel it and connect with it- is what allows us to live and interact in the world with a strong sense of confidence that is based on God’s power.

Certainty is what we feel when we are aligned with God.  And the certainty allows us to feel truly powerful and able to face challenges solidly but also with a sense of levity because we are in tuned with God’s energy. 

This is why certainty is always the best medicine for us when we need anything. 

We can start with shifting our attitude and returning to that inner knowing that we are totally good and all we are doing is totally good.

The certainty of purpose is when we are clear that we want to choose God.

When we are clear about our purpose, then our choosing God is as natural and automatic as any ingrained habit. 

We get to be clear about what we want to do when we make the decision to do so.

We have the capacity to choose God’s purpose; we just need to show up and do it. 

When we do, then, we are extraordinarily more effective in the world because our will is not split. 

Very often when we choose the ego’s plan, we end up with an unclear motivation because we are meant to choose God in the end.

 Therefore, until we do choose God, we are split right down the middle of our minds. 

Totally not on task because then our attention is divided.    We are asked to simply realize how often this happens and catch it before it gets us off track..

We have the opportunity to be certain about our purpose, and this is the best way to be aligned with God’s Will. 

Therefore, it is a successful venture in the end.    We are invited to stand with the Christ.

This is a powerful position because when we stand we are sitting and resting, but we are also available to jump to action when the time is right for us to bring miracles to the world. 

Standing means we are feeling tall.  

We are just being present with God, and being still for the moment, but making ourselves available to save the world when the Holy Spirit prompts us to do so.  

We are most importantly invited to do all of this certainty of purpose with our sense of peace.

We want to carry an energy and intention of peace no matter what we do or we will defeat the purpose of God, which is to share peace in whatever way possible. 

When we feel our certainty of purpose and we stand in it, this is a powerful stance. 

We are asked within that to never overlook our peace which must be the basis of this certainty. 

We let our certainty of purpose   be balanced in strength and gentleness through our commitment to bringing peace before anything else.


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