ACIM Lesson 331

Lesson 331: “What is the ego?”  “There is no conflict, for my Will is Yours.”  

We get to live the extraordinary life of being aligned emotionally, and behaviorally, and with our intention. 

The Course gives us clear instruction that when we are aligned within ourselves and with God’s energy we become truly powerful people because we are not in conflict. 

Every time we listen to the ego we get into the ego’s attitude of fear and distress, and suffer diverted attention within. 

The ego is our own walking nightmare because the ego complicates everything and makes everything incredibly difficult.

We are invited to take a good look at our inner workings.

We notice and sensor our thinking and feeling so that we can consciously choose instead, with the attitude of certainty, and the belief and knowing that God loves us. 

We know we are well taken care of by God’s answers that we find within us, and we can notice them outside of us too, if we just get used to picking up this information from our environments as we go.

God is the only answer that truly gives us peace and light joy, and that sense of empowerment, because we get to choose our lives for ourselves consistently.

We ultimately need to be open to our being willing to change whatever thinking is not working for us. 

If our thinking makes us miserable and feel blocked from love, then, there is reason to look deeper within us to find what intention might be behind this. 

We can easily overlook the practice of noticing our intention because it is not always on the surface of things.

But we want to see the truth about what is going on in our minds, below the thinking.  

There is that part of us that is that is the stuff in our minds that we don’t always say out loud, but it grows powerfully.

Any energy we give our attention to ends up manifesting in some way in the world, says the Course, and so we must take a closer look.  

We want to appreciate this ability we have because it means we can alter the world we see as we go whenever we want, through simply changing the thought energy in our minds.

This ability allows the extraordinary gift of creating our lives.

We can feel excited about this even though it is a responsibility too, because it means that we can get right to work and make our lives better as soon as we realize this is true. 

And we are invited to work with a light mind in the process. 

Not heavy drudgery, even though it is surely extra work. 

We are asked to make it fun and play in this process of growing bigger and becoming more clear.  Giggling is truly the best medicine for us in any circumstance.


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