Archive for month: June, 2019

Laurie’s Positive Points: Remember that every food is our favorite food

Remember that every food is our favorite food. Lots of times, depending on our feelings and habits, we may desire to eat healthy foods.   When we try to make sure we eat foods that we consider “healthy,” then often there is a ton of reaction and resistance to...

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ACIM Lesson 172

Lesson 172: Review: “God is but Love and therefore so am I.”  “In my defenselessness my safety lies.”  “I am among the ministers of God.” The Course reminds us that God’s vision for us is to live without attack, in perfect peace, and with that inner calm, because we...

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Laurie’s Positive Points: Note to Self

Note to Self— Stay in tune with the blessing and grace of God.   Our lives are filled with choices, and everything manifests into the world according to our own choice.  This is easy enough when we think about it.  It even sounds like a craved for possibility- if...

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ACIM Lesson 165

Lesson 165: “Let not my mind deny the Thought of God.” The Course reminds us that we get the abundant Love and abundant favor from God permanently simply because God loves us and is entirely dedicated to us.  The beauty of our existence is that we are always in...

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Laurie’s Positive Points: Every problem can be readily resolved with serenity and smiles

Every problem can be readily resolved- with just serenity and a smile. Serenity is that inner wisdom that emerges when we talk to God directly.  Serenity is when we allow there to be another possibility in the picture.  The only problem that ever occurs is when our egos insist...

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ACIM Lesson

Lesson 158: Today I learn to give as I receive. The sentence that stands out for me in this lesson is, “Christ’s vision does not look upon a body, and mistake it for t he Son whom God created.  It beholds a light beyond the body; an idea beyond...

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Laurie’s Positive Points: Brave behavior means being bold while being ever so kind

Brave behavior means being bold while being ever so kind.   When we do this, we sit in our certainty, and sit in our empowerment.  We have relationships with others the entire ride of our human existence.  We can’t avoid people (no matter how hard we try!), since there...

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