ACIM Lesson 102

Lesson 102: “I share God’s Will for happiness for me.”

This lesson reminds us, “I share God’s Will for happiness for me and I accept it as my function now.” 

I think that the reality that God’s only wish for us is happiness is shocking indeed! 

We are always bombarded with lots of theories about how evil God is, and how God will punish us readily on any whim from God. 

These stories of God NEVER include the idea that God wants us to be HAPPY.  This is the most amazing realization in the world!  

God wants the very best for us and goes out of His way to make sure that happens. 

Part of the true reality of God, according to the Course, is that God believes and guarantees that we are sinless infinitely, and that our innocence comes in a neat and tidy package with our eternal lovability, and therefore, we have essentially no problems in the world. 

If we feel no guilt, fear, shame, blame, or any kind of non-love emotion, then, all that is left is our ability to feel happy, because nothing else exists in God’s perfect reality. 

God invites us to feel free to be happy all the time. 

He actively negates entirely any other reason we would have to not feel comfortable with happiness coming to us, so we can just sit and enjoy the ride.  There is nothing else to do.

I love that we have God, of all people (or Entities) telling us we have the right- and destiny- to feel happiness. 

God, being perfect, certainly is clear about what is meant for us to be, and therefore, we can just relax, we can ease into all ahead of us, because our problems are not even existent. 

I think God would certainty have the skinny on how things should be, because He is God, and therefore, we can trust His judgement.  

I love that we get to be happy, and this is what God wants most for us. 

This is such a miracle, and will entirely transform our lives when we let it. 

If we get to be happy just because, then our lives are going to be full of shiny realities and lovable people who share the dream with a joined Purpose.

The Universe is amazing the way God made it. 

God made it so that energetically things expand exponentially when we share Wills amongst ourselves. 

The whole idea that we share God’s Will with the masses means that all of us-God and us, will combine our Wills to create a whole other reality, plus one, so that reality gets stronger.

And sharing Wills has a magical component, which God orchestrated for us.  

Sharing Wills goes even further than we can imagine- to the extent of  making more energetic power in the situation, because Wills expand so exponentially when they are shared. 

The Course reminds us regularly that our union with our brothers and sisters is a direct route to get home to God, because they share with us more Will, and so we all become more powerful in this.

All love,

Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed Acupuncture


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