ACIM Lesson 178

Lesson 178: Review: “God is but Love, therefore so am I.”  “Let my mind not deny the thought of God.”  “I am entrusted with the gifts of God.”

The Course says that we only ever have one problem. 

The problem is that we thought we got separated from God. 

The Course says that this never happened because it could not happen.  God loves us and is infinitely devoted to us so we don’t ever have to consider even the slightest suspicion that this may be what happened.  This is why we can be incredibly happy no matter what is happening.  Our egos tend to believe that there are multitudes of problems and that they are all unfixable.  This is why, when we listen to the ego, we realize the ego has no plan for our salvation that will actually work, and make us happy, because the ego is at a huge loss for how to make us feel good.

That means listening to the ego is pointless and only results in our misery. 

The Course simplifies for us living in the human condition.  

If we have one problem, this is a huge reduction from the umpteenth number the egos give us.  The Course says that our only possible condition is that we think we have one problem because this truly is the only problem we can have when we get down to it.  This is the problem that matters because when we solve it we actually feel incredibly relieved and happy.

This means we can surrender all the insane problems we think are real.  This is just part of the nightmare.  

The Course says- don’t worry.  This is an error in thinking.  Rather, Jesus says that the only problem we think we ever had is that we were separated from God and furthermore,it never happened.  God is always available to give us all the benefit and abundance that is meant for us as children of our Holy Father.  That is why we can relax about everything and laugh and play.

We actually have NO problems- none to speak of.

The Course explains how this can be.  When we follow this logic, we realize it is full proof. 

We can never be wrong about coming to the conclusion that all of our problems have been erased for all time from our minds.  This means we have nothing to do but to enjoy the ride because it is the gift from God.

We are entitled to miracles and our own blessed salvation at every last moment of our existence.

This means nothing is ever wrong.  We are learning to remind ourselves to integrate this reality and make it available to the inner workings of our minds where we occasionally have moments of forgetting.

  1. Bob 8 years ago

    “If we have one problem, this is a huge reduction from the umpteenth number the egos give us”. This is actually funny when you think about it 🙂

  2. Bob 8 years ago

    it is hard to forget if you read your review everyday.

    • Author
      Laurie Prez 8 years ago

      Agreed. We are all so lucky that we have the gift of repetition. It is the way we can learn new behavior. It is the link to our freedom.

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