Lesson 260: “What is sin?” “Let me remember God created me.”
This lesson says, “Holy indeed are we, because our Source can know no sin.”
We are asked to just hang out with the fact that we are holy.
God explains in the Course that we are totally like God because we are created from God’s will and energy.
Since we are made like God, then that means there is no way we can sin.
God does not sin and therefore, we are asked to realize that we are just as holy as God.
The word ‘holy’ feels like a big leap for us to get to buying this.
It seems like the really great people get that distinction ‘holy,’ but no one else comes close to making such a high leap except for just a few select people.
The holy nature seems possible only on our very best days.
When we let the world tell us what holy is, then we get so discouraged and lose heart because holy is so far from what is possible or expected from us or anyone, and this feels terrible.
The Course says that we need to just sit with that idea that we are holy.
It is so helpful that the Course explains what it means that we are holy in some depth, so we can get an accurate picture.
We need to get that information.
However, then all we need do is let this sink in.
We can sit and breathe it in or sit and sing it to ourselves.
We need to take very consistent means to just keep listening to that truth about our holiness so that eventually we can wholly accept it.
We are asked to keep reading it and listening to it.
Give ourselves all the access to input that will reinforce it.
It is just so bizarre when we actually think about it.
It is bizarre and wonderful, but it is simply going to take time to really absorb this completely.
We may also want to sit at God’s altar and offer this part of ourselves that thinks that our holiness is such a bizarre concept.
We want to give that right to God and ask God to take that from us so this no longer in any way blocks this awareness from us.
The ego just has so many tactics to keeping us without the awareness of our holiness, and thus, it makes sense to forgive this and surrender it to God.
Just give everything to God so that we have space within and we can truly accept this truth about ourselves immediately.