Lesson 94: “I am as God created me.”   

This lesson says, “Here is salvation accomplished.” 

This simple truth is what brings us to heaven.

Our very own certain salvation is accomplished simply in our affirmation that God is our Source. 

God is a perfect Creator and, therefore, everything God creates is perfect by nature. 

That includes us, first and foremost.  We are God’s most favored, beloved children because God made us that way.

We get all the fortune that God could possibly bring us- which is the utterly amazing benefits, because we are the creations of God.  

This is why our salvation is always in tact.

The world believes salvation is in the ego’s projections, and salvation is in lipstick and who wins the football game. 

We think the world has the answers because the world is ego-made and, therefore, perceives an ego reality.

The Course sings a very different tune.

We get our salvation already within us now and always because God arranged it this way long before we ever became interested in figuring out how to pin down our salvation- for us to enjoy down the line.

This is because God so loved us that He gave us our salvation always where we can find it with not a hint of worry whether it will be there. 

This is why it matters that we use the Course’s interpretation of salvation, because we don’t want to get stuck hunting through the world with faint hopes of finding it in ego-land.

We always end up with nothing because the ego has nothing to offer us.

We just need to allow God to be our source of salvation so that we can sit and enjoy it. 

When we allow God to give us this most cherished possibility for us then, we become totally different people. 

When we don’t have to worry that we will not be able to find our salvation, then every worry ceases to be.

Then we luxuriate in our solid certainty.  

When we have our salvation, then everything simply feels good, because we can approach the world with light lens.

We stop suffering because we aren’t trying to manage our anxiety that we won’t get to our state of heaven, or our salvation. 

Then, we can spend our energy in all fun ways because there is not a thing that can bother us. 

When we have the light of God totally present in our hearts and minds with the simple knowing that we already have our salvation in tact now then we don’t struggle in any way in the world.

Our seeming problems all disappear, because we have God to fill that space in our minds- when wondering how we can get deeply into the easy groove of accomplished salvation. 

Then, nothing in the world bothers us after that because everything is relative.  

When we have God, all our dread, panics, and moments of unease- it all vanishes because we show up in the world with God in our minds in the form of our guaranteed salvation.

Everything gradually becomes lighter because we are not carrying all that heavy heart that our salvation is missing.


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