Lesson 47: “God is the strength in which I trust.”
This lesson says, “It is obvious that any situation that causes you concern is associated with feelings of inadequacy, for otherwise you would believe you could deal with the situation successfully.” If we are down on ourselves we won’t feel a sure resolve to take care of what is happening with strokes of calm sureness. The frequent struggle with our ego’s scant self esteem is a recurrent challenge. Our ego makes us feel like we did something wrong and that we do not have the proper education or the proper know how or the proper energy or proper clarity. You name it, the ego is making it a problem for us. Our ego makes our struggle to get out of the poor outlook impossible.
Relying on our own strength is always a recipe for disaster.
The ego only postures.
It pretends it is high and mighty with a forceful energetic push to appear confident and sure of self. But this is always false. Or we get a raw deal from the ego because we-or our ego- has no idea how to know what the future will bring or how the broad strokes of a situation will benefit us and others in a particular way. The ego has no, no, no idea how to figure this out. The ego just claims to have solutions. But they are always wrong.
This is such a tragedy for us because we are just imitating the ego blindly. We are not choosing consciously or surely we would not choose the ego’s strength, we would choose God. Sometimes it just takes us a while to notice that the ego is sailing a sinking ship with no rescue.
The amazing thing for us is the all we need to do is have a dose of God. God’s strength is absolutely enough for us to do any challenging catastrophe. Even if it looks impossible, God absolutely will take care of our every need. When we choose to dip into God’s strength then even our deepest woes and seeming wounds simply vanish. When it all seems over the edge of what we can manage, we just need to stop and let God do His thing. Because, God has every bit of power and ease in the process. God is capable of things we can’t even imagine. God loves us with this Love that is out of the realm of what we can imagine in this world. This means God can solve all of our problems.
We simply need to get out of the way. When our ego hears God is in the room, the ego tries to buff up and look tough- like the ego can make the score or do whatever we need. The ego just tries to maintain the status quo of staying in charge. This is why the ego just tries to fill our minds with thoughts and feelings that reinforce the ego’s thinking. This is why we just need to bless the ego for getting us this far and then bid the ego goodbye. We can just ask the ego to stop talking and just disappear. Then, God can be there to fill all the space we need, to live a life of God’s endless supply of strength and love and gentleness. This is the perfect end to the worst nightmare we thought we had.