Saturday, May 9, 2015

Lesson 129: “Beyond this world there is a world I want.”

The Course says that we are most fortunate indeed.  We first can realize we don’t want the world we typically see in the world’s lens.  We can see this as a huge relief because we are simply waking up.  Anytime we are rocked just a little, this is enough to give us cause to question our usual life and check the status quo.

We want to have even the smallest glimmer of awareness that what our egos are doing in the world is the way of suffering.  And we want to get out of the ego’s perception.  Let’s be willing to play our part in the realization we have made our own hell in the world and then we can right this wrong instantly with a simple willingness from us and the right away from God about how to get there.

When we allow God to be the teacher and guide along the way, our experience of the world is not just dramatically different it can actually seem unable to comprehend how different it is. Because it is from a Source that never lives in the world because He is far elevated above the world’s standards.

Our task is to come to realize that we want God’s world and then simply show up and see that it is already so, when we stop to notice that God is always Creating the happy dream for us.  When we simply do our part to be honest with ourselves about whatever we may be holding unresolved within our minds then we can simply acknowledge our truths.  We can then give whatever is calling out for help our love.  Then it will be adequately nurtured and we can offer it back to our hearts, clean and clear to stay if Spirit calls us to do so.

We need to understand that this process is not scary, and it can feel easy when we have the support and love of God to guide us.  Then we can realize that this is what happens in the real world of God’s that God gave us when we got lost.  What happens in the real world is that we get to know ourselves and care deeply for ourselves because we give time and attention to processing gently our feelings.  Therefore, the world becomes God’s arena for play when we are simply willing to demonstrate to God what we find in our inner selves.  Then we can be honest and true to what comes up for us, and then use this for the happiest play because we can accept what is happening within.


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