Saturday, September 12, 2015

Lesson 255: “What is sin?” “This is the day I choose to spend in perfect peace.”

This lesson says, “It does not seem to me that I can choose to have but peace today.”  We learn in the Course that we have exactly what we need in this moment to be utterly content.  The Course teaches us that all we have to do is make a decision.  We don’t have to make a complicated problem about it or struggle over deciding to do it.  The Course tells us to just do it.  Feel our own inner desire calling out for peace.

The Course teaches us to identify within ourselves when we are feeling urged to experience something different than what we currently feel.  This is an essential step where we simply notice that our heart would be more happily served with another way of living and being.  All we have to do is acknowledge that this is within us.  This is the step that automatically leads to God next.  When we know that we feel not aligned with our most cherished well being within then we can simply allow ourselves to start a conversation with God- or at least we remember that we are already conversing in a never-ending dialogue with God.

In this conversation we simply have awareness of our desire to see our minds and the world differently.  Then, simply this opens the door for God energy.  When we allow for the opening within, when we doubt that we want the current perception, then we can simply tell God that we want another way.  If we have no idea whatsoever how to make that change happen, this is of no consequence whatsoever.  The Course says- never worry- even a little.

We have God (and the counterpart to God Whom the Course calls the Holy Spirit).  And because we have God and are always in conversation with the Holy Spirit, we can be guaranteed that God will be there for us in every substantial (needed) way, through which we want to come to this place of altered consciousness- where we arrive and stay at peace.  We don’t have to figure out how to do anything.   This is the beauty of our relationship with God.

We can be guaranteed that God is always calling on us with the caring for our greatest need.  This is why the way to peace and the way to our salvation- which the Course says are both guaranteed as they are the same thing in truth- is utterly simply and infinitely confirmed as a must.  God so loves us that all we need for any amount of peace is guaranteed because we don’t have to depend on our own might.  We may need to scale mountains with no oxygen pack, but this is only rather the funnest and lightest adventure because God always has our backs.

God is forever our parachute.

The Course says our job is to stay in communication with God.  When we connect to God and tell God our worries and woes, this helps us just be in the story of our lives for a moment.  When it is a moment to experience our humanity, that’s fine.  Truly experiencing the tribulations of being a human is at times important to acknowledge, but know that within time and space. even if it is not the infinitely perfect experience of simply being one with God, know this is fine.  If we simply stay willing to converse with God then if helps keep us in touch with the ultimate reality we want which is living in a God chosen light of love’s forgiveness and the light of peace.


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