Lesson 270 Laurie’s Reflections

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Lesson 270: “What is the body?” “I will not use my body’s eyes today.”

The Course wants us to really deeply ingrain this idea about not relying on our own body’s eyes and senses to interpret what we perceive.  We keep getting these messages so we can understand deeply that our body’s eyes show us just partial vision- at best.  We all use our bodies- we instinctually use them- because we are much practiced at this.  Our lives are a testament to our eye’s perception because we learn all along that we must in the world use our intellect and sensory system to make sense of and perceive what we encounter.

The world says this is necessary because we need to function in our lives and in the world.  We think we need information to process our day to day needs so we can negotiate with them and then get what we need.  We are used to thinking life is limited if we can’t use our eyes as the primary interpreter of the nature of the situations in which we find ourselves.  To think of not relying upon our sensory perception (eyes) for that task seems like an impossibility if not a real hardship.   We use our eyes to help interpret all we see.
What Jesus wants us to do is understand that we are blessed with our third eye which is a place from which we can see as the eyes see but do it with the underlying intent of God or what we can call the Holy Spirit.  We can rely on this third eye or the Higher Self- which is also the part of our minds that is simply God- for the direction that we need to give us information about what we see that comes with a higher purpose.  When we tune into our third eye, think about it and call upon it, we are guaranteed to get a perceptual hit that is correct.  God says this never fails because it is of God.

Therefore we can necessarily receive the clear answer to whatever we are trying to interpret in the vision we see.  This is the best possible situation for us because we have the opportunity and blessing to get God’s perspective in our third-eye-Godly-vision.  Then we can do away with any formerly present feelings of anxiety because we know now that this is always the clarity we need to make the correct choices in our day to day decisions.  This means we can be calm and relaxed regardless of the challenges that we may face.  We learn that our gift is that we have the clearest possible vision when we simply stay focused on this vision that God gives us.

Our part in the picture is just being sure we understand that Godly vision- our Higher Self vision- is possible at every juncture.  We just need to be aware that this is an option.  We don’t have to suffer the unsureness of the world’s perception of our limited eye’s vision.  We are reminded that we can do something entirely different- we can be a consequence of God’s purpose instead.  We don’t have to feel limited with a faulty vision.  We can enjoy the God given view and delight in it because it is filled with certainty and love.  What we must do is simply realize it is possible and then be willing to choose it.  This is never difficult it just requires practice.  Heaven is our result we just need to be open to participating in the process.  God always gives us whatever help we might require to get clear about our vision.  We however, must just stand up and choose with God.


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