Monday, December 7, 2015
Lesson 341: “What is a Miracle?” “I can attack but my own sinlessness, and it is only that which keeps me safe.” This lesson reminds us that I can do anything- I can live in the falsehood of my perceived attack or I can remain in the certainty of my perfection as God’s most cherished offspring. Jesus reminds us we always can choose. We need to take heart and take responsibility because we absolutely can make a decision that will save our lives. When we choose God our memory of abundant Love becomes the current reality as it is all we see.
We need to remember that we can choose every day, each moment is another gift of the opportunity to completely begin again our thinking. We can make God the center of our mentality and the only factor in our minds or we can fumble around with our ego’s insane plan for salvation. God is always the cornerstone of our salvation; this is why we are invited to simply stay in touch with this magnificent chance to choose how we want to live and how we want to think and feel. This is all God’s purpose when we remember to not forget God’s Will is exactly the same as ours. This memory of God is our simple acknowledgement that we are totally sinless.
God says our sinlessness is never threatened in any way because it is an essential part of who we are. Therefore it never changes. This means that we are totally perfect and without flaw of any kind because the foundation of our minds and hearts remains steadfastly without any alteration. Because God decrees this it is forever the same. God is perfect and changeless. Therefore God can Create anything in the Universe with the same energy as His because all things are possible in HIs perfection. This means that we can relax and just enjoy our time here because all we have to do is stay in the reminder that our perfection remains intact for all time.
This means our sinlessness is guaranteed to be intact as God is our Creator. He would not have it any other way. This is why we can just sit back and enjoy this sinlessness. There is nothing else to do but hang out and feel it because this is the only truth about us and the only truth about anyone in the Universe. Therefore, there is nothing that anyone can do or say to alter this. When we judge the world, and we decide someone deserves some criticism or punishment then we are just sending attack thoughts into the world because we believe they can go anywhere outside us. The Course teaches this is never true that attack goes anywhere but to us when we think it goes out. There is nothing in the Universe except me and God. Therefore, if we have an attack thought it merely gets moved around our minds. Since there is nothing else out there except for God and me then the attack thought simply rebounds back to my energy field.
Furthermore, when the attack goes back to our energy field due to the lack of anywhere else to go, the strange thing is that the attack energy simply hangs out and it tries to get us. But what happens is the attack rebounds around our sinless mind. It simply ends when it tries to push up against the attack. The sinlessness of our minds is so energetically stable and perfect, the attack can not even threaten this in any way. The attack energy eventually dissipates when it meets our sinlessness. Nothing can in any way affect our sinlessness. Nothing can injure it because it is an unshakable quality. It stays completely unaffected by any false notion of attack.