Lesson 348 Laurie’s Reflections

Monday, December 14, 2015

Lesson 348: “What is a Miracle?”  “I have no cause for anger or for fear.  For You surround me.  And in every way that I perceive, Your grace suffices me.”

The Course teaches how to take care of our needs without getting overly lost in a sense of neediness along the way.  God has the perfect answer how to meet our inner sense of neediness, those times we don’t know how to not feel lack within.  Jesus says that the way to do this is to remember that God’s Love is available at each juncture in our experience.  All we have to do is get silent, have a moment where we clear what is within just so we can be open rather to the perfection of God’s Love.

When we allow God’s Love to permeate through our every cell of our minds and souls then we feel full.  That old feeling of lack that we can identify as that inner neediness that seems unmanageable is actually easily resolved when we simply turn to God’s answer.  The answer is that abundant Love be our Source of comfort and peace.  We don’t have to perpetuate the neediness that might seem to accompany needs we have.  What we want to do is acknowledge first that we have the need.  Be willing to see it and answer its specific call to find a solution for it.
We need to be sure we make time to see our needs.  When we pretend our needs are not really there, this creates that inner block to Love because we are not willing to see it simply as it is in the first place and accept it.  When we have any kind of need at all, the best way to meet is be willing to resolve whatever this brings up emotionally.  Also, we want to intervene with prayer with God when we get stuck in the process of removing the blocks to Love’s presence.

What we must practice is learning how to reveal our inner worlds in a safe and effective way for ourselves and others.   We are gifted with this incredible inner world and we have the chance to create a peace within it when we simply are open to seeing what it is within us without judgment.  We often get stuck when judgement seems afoot.  We then prevent the true seeing of what our needs are and also that sense of neediness when we feel afraid to look at what we see as insane.

What we learn in the Course is to understand when our neediness arises in the face of trying to meet our basic needs in the world.  Neediness comes from feeling like God has forgotten us.  We can spiral down in such an extreme sense of feeling raw woundedness when we get lost in those feelings that we identify as needy.  What we want to do is simply stay plugged into God all the time.  It is that simple.  God’s energy is the most perfect experience of Love.  When we ever have a moment of believing we lack in any way all we have to do is make the conscious choice to apply God’s Love to this false idea of scarcity.  This always works because God always has a plan that works for us through thick and thin.

The problem is generally that we overanalyze things or overthink it.  We don’t have to sit and question how God can possibly pull this off.  God does and does always.  All we have to do is accept it and be vigilant in our choice to accept it.  We live in God’s Love because it is the only answer we need.  All of our needs get funneled toward God because God is the only Master at taking care of anything we can figure out how to do alone.

This is like when we feel needy, we can just ask God to hold our hands and let our mistaken belief in lack be washed away.  When we feel needy, let God be the only one we turn to for the resolution of this because God is the only one who can do this.


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