Lesson 354: “What am I?”  “We stand together, Christ and I, in the peace and certainty of purpose.  And in Him is His Creator, as He is in me.”

The purpose of living in the Course is to experience God’s Love in the moment. 

We learn from the Course’s wealth of wisdom in the book. 

This is part of how we figure out what the philosophy means so we can then fully embody it.

Then, our need for words is over. 

We don’t need to think about the Course anymore when we are living through it and we remember how to embrace and embody God’s Love.  Sometimes, we forget to embody the Course and then we get lost in the words.

When we are relying on words to help us understand something, it makes sense to help us get to that place where we understand so no longer need to think about it.

One of the challenges of  thinking about the Course is our thinking about it takes us one step away from experiencing it.

That is the difference between living in the moment or living just close to being in the moment.

This is why we want to do the Course with a practical focus.  We appreciate the words of wisdom; we smile about the words and put them in our treasure chest.

But then we put the treasure chest in our hearts so we can feel the words.

We want to feel the peace and love and forgiveness that the Course teaches.  Not just think about it.

We are learning to be in the moment. 

This is the absolute best place to be and this is the way to get to God.

We just need to know that being in the moment is the only place we can have true peace, because in the present, there is nothing separating us from everything we love- especially separating us from God. 

When we live in the moment, we have this precious gift of experiencing God’s Love because there is nothing else to experience in the moment.

There is no resistance to anything when we are living in the moment and this is why in the moment, God’s Love flows like a river within us. 

Therefore, we must make the practice of feeling God and experiencing God because it is the way to bring us to that Infinite Now where nothing is impossible when we have the power of God’s Love and Will.


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