Lesson 2: “I have given everything I see in this room (on this street, from this window, in this place) all the meaning it has for me.”

This lesson says, “The sole criterion for applying the idea is that your eyes have lighted on it.”

We are asked to be sure not to exclude anything in applying the idea.

We are instructed to have a very quick look around so that we can just randomly apply the idea. 

When we look with total non investment in the process, we end up getting the result we want. 

We want to simply show up and do this in the manner that we don’t make anything special in the process. 

We want to sit back and not avoid anything either.

Just mechanically and randomly observe what is outside of us.  We want to not try to select anything in the process.

We are asked to get to the place of not being attached to what we think of things. 

Thus, the first part in the the process of releasing our attachment is to simply recognize that we we don’t want to give anything more weight in the process of selection. 

We want to not put that additional focus on this process of selecting our thoughts by allowing ourselves to be attached to what happens in the process.  

We want to remember to be light about this process of checking out the world and the way we label things.

We want to just not force the process in an ego energetic way in that we push and shove in the process of noticing the world’s things.

When we feel light, then we can glance from thing to thing and not focus clearly but gently, not too much on it with some intention of attachment. 

We can delicately and gently notice things.

When we get into the ego’s dense energy, then we start to separate various things in the process and we single them out, while we have some reaction to them in the process.  

We are asked to hold all these things that we are checking out with a very gentle glove of clarity, and recognize that we have given them meaning. 

We are asked to see with God’s vision and just start to wake up from our very long slumber when we thought we forgot God.


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