Lesson 327:  “What is Creation?” “I need but call and You will answer me.”

This lesson says, “Father, I thank You that Your promises will never fail in my experience if I but test them out.” 

I love that God is a hands-on God. 

He is in our relationship with Him for the long haul, and God wants to demonstrate this in every way possible. 

God, it turns out, completely loves us- unfailingly- and God wants for us to have the greatest gifts on the earth and in Heaven. 

God stops at nothing to give us the maximal abundance in terms of how many gifts we receive. 

We just need to know that God wants the best for us, and therefore, we can expect this for ourselves.

The ego is used to dealing with scarcity because lack is the sum total of the ego, and so it makes sense that the ego just tries to give us more of the same, when we allow the ego to be in charge of our day to day perceptions.

God reminds us that we are totally loved, and we are graced forever with the identification as the innocents. 

And, we can celebrate this because it is the basis of our amazing, happy dream, when we look and feel lovable. 

God gives us that basis for being lovable if we allow Him to write the rule book for our lives.  We get all the good stuff and God’s guarantee that all abundance, worthiness, joy, and peace are ours.  

We get a God Who is quite resolute in His offerings to us, and we also get to check out the validity and the security of all the abundance and astonishing Energy that God offers. 

God wants us to know that this great stuff is ours if we simply accept it, but we can also have a conversation with God about anything, especially things that are most important to us. 

The Course reminds us that God wants us to trust Him unconditionally, and so He wants us to test out all the stuff God gives us.  

We can test out all the miracles in the world, and test out that faith that God is asking us to give to Him. 

God wants us to be open to questioning Him, and then we will start to have a much deeper relationship with God. 

Because, when we let God go to the lengths of being tested- to be all the amazing ways that we trust Him to be, then, we have to get really honest and authentic with God, because we are not just accepting the status quo of what we think God is giving. 

We are getting more real and open with God because we are into checking out God’s gifts. 

Then, when God answers in the affirmative of whatever it is we are asking about, then God simply has another opportunity to give us the answers that broaden our faith, and make us trust God more strongly- that God is the Supreme and perfect God that He is. 

God wants us to have conversations with Him because this is the way we grow our faith.

All love,

Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed acupuncture


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