Lesson 84: Review: “Love created me like Itself.” “Love holds no grievances.”
We are learning a new way to Love.
We learn that Love is pure and unadulterated.
There is no fear in Love. There is no attack in Love. Our general ego’s way is to see every thing with some degree of grievance in it. We give most of our love expression with some amount of attack in them. We assume we can’t do things any differently because we are used to interacting in this way. We have grievances about every little detail. Our egos are always at war within. We are always in the position of giving a Love that is tainted with the grievance because this is what we typically do.
Grievances are always in just a smidgen within the Love we bring.
±Because the grievance may seem small or inconsequential we necessarily disregard it.
We just carry on like our love is the greatest experience it can be because the ego likes to make itself look good to itself. This is unfortunate because this ends up really impacting the quality of our lives. When we bring that just a little bit of grievance, we are truly rejecting what we see. The grievance simply can’t coexist with Love because they are contrary to each other energetically. Therefore when we bring that little grievance and we still pretend Love is also included in what we give along side the grievance, what happens is that the Love doesn’t come through.
The love gets overshadowed and the light of love then becomes dull.
The Course says we can never do away with the extraordinary nature of God’s Love and impact it negatively. But we can put ourselves in a position where we can’t see it clearly. It will seem dull when we are bringing our grievances to our situations. We then can’t do with Love what it is meant to do, to buoy the hearts of ourselves and the masses. We can’t make God’s Love the model of perfection it is- where we have the most ideal example of how to Love- when we see the grievance as part of God’s Love. We simply can’t because our vision has become limited. When the grievance blocks the way, then we can’t fully enjoy or benefit from the Love because we can’t engage with it fully. It is in the shadow that the grievance casts.
This means all we have to do is get to a place internally where we are willing to make clear choices about how we want to think and feel. The grievance is that subtle but incredibly powerful shadow over our vision. What we want to do is get to a place of serenity within. We want to get to a place of making sure we choose God’s pure love and let go of any grievance. We just need to remember how small these can be and seemingly undetectable. We may have learned a smooth way of living in the world that seems normal to us where we have allowed our awareness to become numb to things like grievances.
Sometimes we just overlook their presence in the activity of our lives. This means we simply need to make some step even if if is small to sit and notice our unnoticed grievances. We need to just stay out of judgement of ourselves when we look at stuff like this. Sometime when we judge ourselves internally, this can be almost a shock to the system and we may have all kinds of delay tactics that prevent us from just getting honest within about these. Our ego gives us every reason possible to just not be able to make the time to notice things like this.
This dramatically affects the quality of our lives especially our relationships and how we feel about ourselves.
♣This is why we need to forgive our slow acknowledgement of our grievances.
♥Just appreciate the incredible quality of Love when we do Love in God’s way.
When we allow the grievances to disappear then we have this ideal love that feeds our hearts and minds in a way that bring us a deep peace and great joy.