Lesson 94: “I am as God created me.”
This is the one thing that the Course is teaching us to comprehend completely and integrate fully into our consciousness. The Course systematically trains us to gain this awareness. The reason it works perfectly as the underlying truth in our consciousness is because it incorporates a variety of aspects to this one truth. The beauty is that there is only one thing to remember and there is only one true sentence, so we don’t get sidetracked trying to incorporate multiple ideas simultaneously. If we try to manage integrating lots of concepts simultaneously, then our minds get focused on numerous things. This never works very well or at all.
·When we have a one track mind, and we have aligned our intention perfectly with one single idea, then we don’t get lost in assigning our energy to each various task.
When we have only one thing to intend then our minds can simply be powerful in that single agenda; and our mind then is truly powerful because we are not divided. The idea that God created me as one simple idea does the trick of allowing us to be totally singleminded in the task of integrating this. Therefore, we don’t get lost in the multiple priorities where we are trying to do a variety of things all at once.
•This is why the Course reminds us to be clear about our single purpose intention.
When we allow this single plan to be in the center of our minds and our beings then we actually are truly powerful in our delivery of this intended integration. We want to believe God created us so we hold this closely within and have its integration be in no way hampered in the process because it is vitally important to our peace of mind and to the quality of our life.
Furthermore, when we look at this one single idea we can look more deeply at what this means so that we can appreciate what is truly being learned by us. This seems like a great thing to integrate on the surface because we can do it with a clear mind and single intention. That then teaches us how to carry out our lives in the single purpose since we are God’s most cherished companions. We want to allow ourselves to learn from the example about how to live in single mindedness so that we can make our focus on one single thing. The Course is always giving us exercises in learning how to be aligned internally with God’s purpose.
♦The Course explains how important it is that we not rebel and reject these ideas internally.
Furthermore, we also can appreciate this lesson here because we are learning how to come to a place where we deny- in a good way- that we had anything else internally that is not God. We want to deny this in a good way because we want to be absolutely certain to our minds that it never existed in the first place. We learn that anything that is not God is unreal so in the true sense of things our denying its existence is a true act. When we deny that this old inner darkness that seemed to be inside our minds- understand that wasn’t God.
◊We are letting go of it in a way that simply erases it from our minds.
We want to be quite clear internally that it is not there now, and in fact it was never there before. God’s essence and energy is inside of us always. But what we need to do is simply take out the old stuff that is not God and then when there is an empty space within us then we can easily open the flood gates of God’s love to immerse our hearts and minds with healing energy that has infinite capacity. It also gives us a sense of fulfillment.
The Course is teaching us that God created us and this means that we are always perfect as we are. The fact that God made us means that we have no flaws.
±God is perfect so His creations are equally perfect.
The Course is teaching us how to adopt this understanding. We are totally gifted and given God’s most precious gift- which is our salvation. God does this because God wants us to know now and always that we are the best of the best and never had a moment of falling from our innocence. Furthermore, this means that we can sit and enjoy all of life because God graced us with abundance and great joy in our hearts always.
This is why this lesson’s idea totally matters. We just need to appreciate that God is actually perfectly loving and compassionate.
♣God never ever is down on us and He teaches us how to love ourselves in the relationship that the Course teaches us to have with God.
This, then, is the example for how to do the same with ourselves. This is why our identifying with God as our only and true Source is ever so important. We learn that love is entirely peaceful and clear- and with boundaries that support us and nurture us. These allow us to interact with the world in the way that we remain certain and unwounded because we carry God’s certainty always with us. This is all we need to remain safe in the world.
♥This is another reason we are just wanting to appreciate that this identification with God is the way to keep our minds both aligned and safe and whole.