Lesson 326: “What is Creation?”  “I am forever an Effect of God.”

This lesson says, “And all Your attributes abide in me, because it is Your Will to have a Son so like His Cause that Cause and Its Effect are indistinguishable.” 

This word ‘indistinguishable’ is absolutely perfect to describe our true relationship with God. 

The Course teaches that God is the exact same energy that we are, and God is with the same Will, and God has all the same power that we are able to express when we choose to do so.

God is our only Source.  The idea of melting into God is also perfect here.  We take in this idea- that we are so close we are actually the same.

Being so close to God is what we want for our higher good, and so we just need to realize the true nature of our relationship with God.

God is our Father and heir and benefactor because God loves us and cares for us like an ideal parent.

We are just getting the skinny on the fact that our selves are totally melded with God because this is the nature of the Universe as God created it.

We just need to realize this deeply and take this in, so we can run with the fact that we are lovable in our absolute certainty. 

When we have a need in the world, all we need to do is rely on this certainty- that we are loved by God- and then, we feel so good to be so cherished and supported.

This helps to solve whatever problem arises and it is in fact easy.

When we have God within us, He is our power.

The Course reminds us that this is already in order.

God is already within all of us now and always because this is how God wants it.

We just need to accept it so we can enjoy it and benefit from feeling it and exuding it while we live.

All we have to do is accept this.  But it certainly can be tricky to do that fully.

We just need to continue to take in this information for as long as necessary to pick it up completely.

But we also want to appreciate that we can solve much of our emotional challenges and challenges in general if we take this in adequately.

The problem is always that we are still in the process of learning this. 

We simply need to forgive this and show up whenever we can get into the groove of the process.


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