Lesson 349: “What is a Miracle?”  “Today I let Christ’s vision look upon all things for me and I judge them not, but give each one a miracle of Love instead.” 

We are asked to do our parts.

We don’t have to do more, but we are reminded to stay on task in our not choosing less.  All we have to do is see the world differently.

We are given the Holy Spirit to interpret for us. 

We just need to get out of the way. 

We appreciate that our work and our part is to give God the reins of our buggy.  We have this amazing capacity to choose and we just have to be willing to do it.

Our willingness means we give God the permission to explain exactly how everything is. 

Our egos love control and shudder at the thought of surrendering anything.  Our part is not to be angry or upset about this.  Just acknowledge that the ego likes to whine and then just forgive our egos and remind them that we have the right to choose with whom we are going to connect.

We have a God-given right; that means we are justified in being selective. 

This is our gift to ourselves when we allow our minds to take full charge of how things are for us.  This is when we can choose God because we have every reason to want to be happy.  God is the only method to make that happen.

We have this amazing capacity to remember to bless everything we see. 

We are asked not to judge the world and what happens there.

And we want to make a clear decision not to judge, because judgment always blocks the flow of Love’s Presence.  

Therefore, we instead can bring Love.  We bring Love in the form of God’s Essence.  This is why bringing Love always works to remedy any situation that looks like it needs Love.

The miracle means that we are making a clear decision to bring Love to the situation.

The miracle is when we remember to bring God’s Love to heal what we see.  Our purpose is to remember that the miracle is this handy way to bring Love that always gives us exactly what we need.

This is why the miracle is our blessing to the world and our blessing to ourselves.  

Thus, we are asked to make a clear and conscious effort to allow miracles to be ever ready in our minds.  

We are reminded to give each thing a miracle instead. 

That means- leave nothing out. 

We often tend to exclude God from various things and save them for our ego’s agenda.

We are asked to hold nothing from God’s miracle because this is the way to our peace. 

If we stay focused on not excluding anything from God, over time, we gradually dedicate our whole lives to God and the living through miracle mindedness.

This elevates our whole consciousness the more we give to and share with God.  This is the way to align all of ourselves and our lives.

Our great joy and gift to ourselves is to have a life that is light and happy and God-centered.


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