Miracles Lesson 54:

‘I have no neutral thoughts; I see no neutral things; I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my seeing; I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my thoughts. I am determined to see.”

The Course explains how we end up with a world that manifests from the projections of our thinking, so we must be careful to ensure we do not emphasize our inner attack energy; when we do, we end up making a world that is a picture of discord and drama.

Who wants to live a drama-infused life?

We can choose thinking that manifests in ease, accord, attitude, and certainty in every action when we have thoughts of abundance energy and no ruffled energy that is the cause of any block to the flow of God’s power, which we try to avoid because when we do not, we end up in a crisis in the world.

The world looks like a crisis, but the good news is that this is a call for Love. The Course explains that this tremendous news means we can apply Love in the form of a miracle there.

We end up with ease and abundance because, with any amount of Love, we add cures and heal the crisis so we no longer suffer. Adding Love means our lives will all turn into parties when we do this.

The Course reminds us that we see no neutral things. We are always in the process of adding judgment throughout our lives, so we start a war when we make everything full of no neutrality and get angry when we see a world of discords.

The Course explains that we can take the time and effort to refuse to include attack energy or thinking, which is one benefit of doing the Course.

I am determined to see. We forget to take care of being mindful initially while we see the world, so we need to do things like remind ourselves so we do not forget and overlook our peace and not engage with it.

We must think with God and be open to doing things with God’s guidance, which we have within and can access readily. We must remember to see life with rose-colored glasses and the cup as half full.

We must show up and remain consistent in choosing to visit with and think with God so we do not get upset when we encounter calls for Love in the world or discord, so we end up being fine emotionally when we meet calls for Love.

All Love,

Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed Acupuncture


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