Lesson 120: Review: “I rest in God.”  “I am as God created me.”

The Course says we are meant to give every aspect of our lives to God. 

The ego is very good at excluding more or less everything.  This is why we must make conscious decision not to exclude anything from God’s grasp.

This is the way to heal each aspect of our lives. 

When we give each scenario to God, then we get out of the ego habit of pretending like we know it all.  We just let God in and let God be the decision maker about how to proceed in every situation.

Then we will end up with a holy encounter instead of just your basic worldly situation.

We often judge the situation or complain or have some emotional upset about what is happening.  The Course teaches us that everything is the plan of our Creator.

Thus, we don’t have any reason to be upset- we can release this with ease instead of becoming attached to the pain.  

God has a plan for everything so we are invited to realize God is never in the wrong.  This is why we are invited to accept what happens with a grateful heart.

We see that it is all perfectly in step with the learning that is meant for us. 

Therefore, we don’t then get angry at God or blame God for not coming through with what the ego says is a more ideal scenario.  When we let God be the guide of all we do it also completely offsets any sense of our own guilt for not behaving in some particular way.  This means we can stop suffering and we don’t run down the path of emotional distress over what we see.  God is fully in charge.

He gently chooses a perfect life for us.  All we have to do is show up and be inspired by it.

When we let our ego rule, then the ego gets rigid in its insistence it knows best.  This is actually what blocks the flow to God’s energy.  This is the energy of believing our egos know more than God and have no need to seek and also join with God’s will.  When the ego rules, our situations are all flavored with a rigid control scenario.  This control is the energy that breaks up our connection to God.  When we allow the ego’s arrogant decision making to rule then we end up not listening and hearing God’s will.  When we don’t let God in then we are closed down from the experience of feeling God’s energy within us because we are not opening our minds to God’s influence.  Consequently, we miss entirely on the peace that is possible in the situation when we choose God’s way.

When we give every scenario to God this is how we heal it all.

The Course says that while living we ideally want to live in the happy dream. 

Part of what that entails is bringing all of life’s situations into the hand and guidance of God.  When we do this then it is all open to receive the gift of God’s perfect protection and grace because we let it be open to God’s input.  This is the way we steer clear of our arrogance.  When the ego delves into its grandiosity this is what it means to be arrogant.  This always excludes God when we sit in arrogance.

The arrogance is a false inflation. 

Thus, God is not part of it.  God is not involved in anything that is false.  This arrogance is not of God.

The ego has a resistance to joining with God and others in this energy of arrogance because we pretend that we are better than everyone else because we think that in joining we will necessarily lose out on something. 

This is why arrogance never works within the God energy.  This is contrary to God and that’s why it doesn’t work when God tries to connect with it.  It dissolves because it is not real as God is.


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